What a privilege we had.A wonderful privilege , to belong to the God of heaven and earth, the only truth God.
This God has created the heaven and the earth; he ended up creating a masterpiece: the man and the woman.

But man and woman were corrupted by sin, and sin became a second nature in mankind from birth,and also from conception.

But Jesus came to remove that sinful nature in us and to reconcile us to God.He reconciled us to the Father.

And that is the privilege we possess, it is the grace we have. The God we serve is much worthy of praise. He is God by Himself.

Before He started creating,He was worthy of praise.
His creation reveals, how great is His holiness, His majesty.
This two attributes were supposed to take us away from Him because of our sins,but on the contrary, it is bringing us closer.
What an unfathomable God.

(Ps 145:3 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.)

And it is wonderful to see our God, Jesus, asking for praise, requiring a worship that is at the level of His worthiness.

A worship that comes from pure hearts and that express itself with an excellent music as well as a pure one.

Let us play instruments with ability and lift up spiritual songs, a spiritual music played skillfully. For me, it is a wonderful discovery from the Word of God. In that passage in Psalms, which is the foundation of this worship instrumental album that you will soon discover.


The Lord has blessed us, let us live, and show our blessing by worshiping Him with this instrumental album.

May this album be a powerful weapon in the hands of the worshipper, as well as in the hands of men and women that are born again.
Most Worthy of praise is our God,a praise coming from a pure heart. This praise comes with a pure music, tested and excellent.

As for me, when I was 15 years old ,my instrumental music went from a dream to reality  ; my parents sacrificed an essential need they had and used the finance to purchase my first electronic keyboard.
It was the first materialization of a spiritual seed that was sown in Kinshasa.

It started in Kinshasa and bore much fruit there, in several cities in Congo, in Africa and beyond.
This instrumental album saw the light of day on April 13,2023 on my dear father’s birthday.
It is an instrument of praise to God but also a platform to express my gratitude for God’s work in my earthly father and for the life of this servant of God.

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Behind this great man, there is a great woman, my mother. To both of you, I would like to show my love and gratitude.

May God bless you.

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